
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trends: The New Internet

"Let's organize our goals, shall we?" A Gloomie comic by Suzanne.

I came across this documentary about Web 3.0 by Kate Ray. It discusses the Semantic Web and how leaders in the field still do not unanimously agree on how to execute it. If the term "Semantic Web" sounds unfamiliar, it basically means that the future of the web will have context around the plethora of data that exists on the web.

A few benefits for the semantic web:
- It's going to help us organize the plethora of data that exists in the web.
- It will make referencing and finding data easier and more relevant.

The beginning of the documentary points out that the web has more data than we know how to deal with. This is where I started to really pay attention. In a former occupation, I dealt with a lot of data and had limited physical resources to analyze it. I believe that the future will require people like me; people who can synthesize mass amounts of data into meaningful insights. A few titles I have been collecting for my ideal next job: Data Curator, Data Scientist.

In the meantime, I will continue to write about things that are interesting to me.

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